September 27, 2023
A python website refers to a website developed using the python code. On the other hand, a flask refers to a web framework that allows the ease of web development. Coding websites can be immensely beneficial to assist programmers develop website platforms. Using code is a welcome alternative to using a website builder or website maker. Additionally, by providing addition features for your Python flask for web development this can be good coding practice as the python flask simple website can be part of your coding exercises.
In this blog, we are going to gain crucial insights into various ways additional features can be added to the Python Flask web interface. The additional features will include linking pages and the use of conditional loops. When creating additional features to the website it is important to ensure that the HTML is not part of the code (An attacker can input malicious HTML within the code). Therefore, a more suitable web framework it is important to use templates to ensure that the code is concerned with data values and not rendering.
Template: Refers to an HTML file containing placeholders for values that the code give at runtime.
Default Templating: The flask is jinja installed automatically when the flask is installed. Jinja (engine) provide flexible options that such as automatic escaping (XSS attacks) and template inheritance.
Inheritance: Allows one to define a base page having a common markup and then build on that base with page-specific additions.
Template Inheritance
Template inheritance allows an individual when coding to avoid code repetition. By using template inheritance the one who creates a website create a base template that contains content that has the capacity to be shared with other templates. Also, the index template can be edited to inherit from the base template. A new page that serves as the About page to provide additional information regarding the application.
Here we will create a single using a be configured to serve statistic files. Additionally, multiple pages can be created for the app that each contains a nav bar from a base template.
1. Inside the flask folder create a new folder and name it templates
2. Inside the templates folder create a file using the VSCode terminal. In the function render_template for loading the template and application of the named values.
For loading the template and application of the named values. The template comprised two placeholders “name” and “date” shown as delineated pairs of curly braces {{and}} the formatting code ought to be included directly into the file.
Base Template: The template comprises HTML components that are shared between all other templates including application title, navigation bars and footnotes.
{%extends%} is a tag used to inherit from base.html
The tag is extended by replacing the content in the base template with what is inside the content block in the preceding code block. Template inheritance is immensely used as it allows one to reuse the HTML code in another template such as base.html without the need to repeat them each time they are required.

To Create the About Page
To create the About page add the the code below in the file
app.route() decorator creates a view function about(). In the decorator, a result is returned of calling render_template() function with about.html template file name as an argument.
The about.html file has the following code
Here code inherits from the base template using the extends tag
The content block in the base template is replaced with <h1>tag that also serves as the page title
<h3>tag is added regarding information about the application
With the development server running visit the following URL using your browser, it is evident the way the navigation bar and part of the title are inherited from the based template

Rendering a Template and Using Variable
Using Templates in a Flask Application
Create index.html file
Tell flask about using FLASK_APP environment (using the set command for window)
Set FLASK_ENV environment variable to development to run the application in development mode and get access to the debugger
Import datetime module from the Python standard library and edit the index() function into the
In the HTML file edit and add <h3>{{utc_dt}}</h3>, this particular edit adds H3 heading with special {{…}} delimiter to print the value of the utc_dt variable.
The content block contains<h1>tag with text index inside a title block in the base.html template with the index making the complete tile Index_FlaskApp
This is done to avoid repeating the same text twice because it acts both as a title and heading below the navigation bar inherited from the base.
Then you have a few more headings:
one <h1>with text HelloWorld!
<h2> and <h3>with the value utc_dt variable
Linking Between Pages
For this step, you will learn how to link pages in your templates using url_for() helper function. Two links are added to the navigation bar in the base template.
i) Index page
ii) About page
From the code: The first URL links to the route of hello() and the second URL links the route of the about() function within the index page url_for() function builds URLs and helps manage URLs
When the URLs are hard-coded editing the routes breaks the link. However, by using url_for() one can edit routes and guarantee the link works in an appropriate manner. Additionally, url_for() function takes care of other things like escaping special characters.
This section enabled you on how to use url_for() function to link to other routes in your templates.
Using Conditional and Loops
if statements found in the templates control what to display depending on certain conditions
for loops to go through Python lists and display each item in the list create a new page that displays comments in a list. (Comments with an odd index number will be displayed with a green background)
The route above illustrates a Python list called comments comprising four items. (Comments are designed to be obtained from online users)
You return a template file referred to as comments, html in the last line is passing a variable called comments containing the list template file.
{%block content%}{%block content%}{%end block%}
The block can be replaced by content depending on the child template (a template that inherits from base.html) that overrides it. Now that a based template has been created it’s time to take advantage of inheritance.
The file comment.html contains the code provided